Our Top 5 Most Popular Posts of 2014 (And What You can Learn from the Trend in 2015)
One of the things we did recently, is to review the top engaging post on our main website. Overall, traffic is up and people are spending at least 2 minutes per visit, but reviewing specifically what’s working and why, helps us plan better content for you.
Here are our top 5 popular posts of 2014:
Based on the list, here are the 5 ministry trends we saw that you should plan for in 2015.
- Social Media is Social. Four out of every five people considering attending your service will investigate your web presence including your social media pages like Facebook before ever walking through the door and it’s important to demonstrate to them the value your church can provide. And it’s not a new thing. It’s a human thing. When Christ and his Apostles preached the word of God throughout ancient Galilee and Judea, He was essentially running one of the world’s first and most effective viral marketing campaigns. #TheWell #TheSamaritanWoman
- How mobile is your ministry’s message? From the days of the ancient prophets to now, there has been a steady, and sometimes rapid, evolution of the methods used to share God’s message. From paper, to the telephone, to the radio and TV, the medium has become increasingly complex. Now we have smartphones, which contain more computing power than the high-end personal computers from just a decade ago. The use of mobile technology for ministry–or “mobile ministry”–is more than a buzzword; it is fast becoming an essential approach to spreading the Gospel. That’s because mobile phones and other portable, wireless devices are proliferating the planet, making it all the easier to fulfill the Great Commission (Mark 16:15).
Online giving is a no brainer. Mobile and social giving is still new. When it comes to replacing, or at least supplementing your offering plates and tithe envelopes with electronic giving portals, the possibilities are numerous. Other nonprofits, especially charities, have long experimented and are now embracing e-giving, resulting in massive fundraising campaign successes. But most fundraising platforms are specific to one-time campaigns, and don’t offer the option of receiving recurring donations. 3 of the 8 common features of modern, church-targeting e-giving platforms includes (i) recurring donations, (ii) a mobile phone optimized experience through apps and text messaging and (iii) social media integration for sharing and in network giving.
2014 saw a spike in new blogs and interest. We can’t wait to do provide more frequent and high value blogs in 2015.
Ps. Symbiota, LLC is now Fluid Ministry, LLC and that’s actually really good news for you. Look out for more information. Final thought, “How fluid is your ministry”?