Tag: church tech
UBC Experience: Developing Thriving Online Ministry from Scratch
By Jason Alexis |
Ten years ago, Union Baptist Church in Hempstead, NY did not even own a computer. They had no communication system, so they could not even alert the congregation when services were canceled due to poor weather. Today, things are different. Under the leadership of their pastor, Sedgwick V. Easley, UBC have installed the computer and communications technology necessary to appeal to people in global, social and mobile world.
7 Infrequently Asked Questions About Mobile Ministry
By Jason Alexis |
What exactly is mobile ministry, and what does it mean for your ministry? Despite the rapid rise in the use of mobile technology, too many churches too infrequently ask themselves those very questions. For many, the idea of adapting to new technology movements is off putting; for others, it’s downright scary. But don’t be scared.…
How You Plan Gives Your Ministry Flexibility in 2015
By Jason Alexis |
Does your church have flexibility in its’ important projects? Creating roadmaps of your projects will help your church not only save time but it also gives you the flexibility to make last minute changes when ideas change.
Our Top 5 Most Popular Posts of 2014 (And What You can Learn from the Trend in 2015)
By Jason Alexis |
Happy New Year! One of the things we did recently, is to review the top engaging post on our main website. Overall, traffic is up and people are spending at least 2 minutes per visit, but reviewing specifically what’s working and why, helps us plan better content for you. Here are our top 5 popular…