Tag: communication
The 3 Ps of Posting to Facebook
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Social media has fundamentally changed the way we communicate and interact with the world. Sites such as Facebook have grown from a simple fad into a worldwide phenomenon. What started out as a way to share photos and stories with friends and family has evolved into so much more. As many businesses have learned, social networks such as Facebook are incredibly powerful marketing tools. Never before has it been so easy to reach such a wide audience. Why does this matter for your church? Because you too can take advantage of this powerful tool to market and promote your church to the world. In fact the process really isn’t all that different. All you need to do is follow the three P’s of Facebook promotion: Personal, Purpose, and Promotion.
Building an All Star Volunteer Team for Your Church
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Recruiting a volunteer team of social media experts can add a definite advantage to your church’s outreach program. Utilizing the skills of those within your church’s membership to better connect with the community will add depth and complexity to your church’s ability to interact and engage with your audience. Use these tips to assemble a knowledgeable team instead of trying to handle the entire project by yourself.
3 Keys to Scheduling Your Church’s Social Media Posts
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While posts happen in real-time, your message gracing the screens of your congregation as they sit at their computer or laptop awaiting the Good News, social media management happens all the time, in fits and starts, in waves of inspiration or fits of insight, after months of research and also on the hoof. One morning might yield ten exciting stories, while another will leave you scrabbling in a pile of half-forgotten notes for something meaningful to say, just to keep your audience engaged.
Is my church only preaching to the choir on Facebook?
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Four out of every five people considering attending your service will investigate your web presence including your social media pages like Facebook before ever walking through the door and it’s important to demonstrate to them the value your church can provide. It is very easy for a church to focus only on its current members and neglect to think strategically about how it can reach people that are not currently connected to their church.