5 Trends Churches Should Pay Attention to in 2014/2015

By | May 5, 2014

In today’s world, everyone is going mobile with their devices handling major aspects of their lives. It is with this in mind that many churches are paying attention to the social media trends to reach their members. While faith remains an important aspect in many lives, churches are realizing that in order to meet their member needs, they need to keep up with the newest technology by going mobile. The social media trends of 2014 will be even more important to churches to help connect the church with their members. These trends will include many of the following aspects.

Mobile App Update

Mobile App for churches Quarter 1 Software Release (coming soon)

By Jason Alexis | March 28, 2014

We have been working on a native overhaul for or App PocketPew, completely rebuilding and redesigning our app, with the intention of better utilizing the iOS7 UI components, making the most out of the user engagement and social integration opportunities.

9 useful applications to include in your church’s mobile app

By | June 13, 2013

If you think your church is ready to launch a mobile app, or redesign its exiting app, you’re not alone. Many church and gospel-centric ministries are beginning to recognize the value of what we like to call it the sticky and ubiquitous mobile app, which occupies as much as 2 hours of a typical smartphone user’s day.

A previous post made the point that the primary questions a ministry leader should ask when preparing a mobile app are: what content the app should contain; how and on what mobile platform to deliver it; and finding a quality mobile app developer that is attuned to your ultimate mission to spread the gospel. In this post, we get a little more detailed.

How to make your ministry’s mobile app work for you

By Jason Alexis | May 31, 2013

In a more recent post, we presented hard evidence that mobile apps are sticky and ubiquitous. Research now shows that smartphone users on average spend about 2 hours per day using apps, and just 30 minutes browsing mobile websites. The scenario is no different for churches: according to the Christian Web Trends website, church apps are more than just a passing fad.