The sticky and ubiquitous mobile app

By | April 23, 2013

Smartphones are everywhere. Literally. According to Business Insider, there will soon be one smartphone for five people in the world–that’s roughly 1.5 billion smartphones for the world’s 7 billion inhabitants. These “mobile computing”/communication devices are selling at a pace of slightly under 50%. And despite their relatively high cost, smartphones are even finding a home in the the least developed regions.

mobile app or mobile website

Help! My church wants to go mobile; where do we start?

By Jason Alexis | October 15, 2012

When it comes to mobile platforms, your church has two choices. Mobile apps offer smartphone and tablet users direct access to your multimedia; mobile websites provide a simple, straightforward, and relatively static interface that will work on most mobile devices. A mobile app is software designed for such mobile operating systems (and their corresponding distribution…