4 Reasons Why a Digital Strategy Is Necessary, even in Light of Current Events

By Jason Alexis |

Many church leaders want to respond by sharing the Gospel with as many people as they can. They are not interested in developing an online ministry, because it seems irrelevant in light of these events. In fact, they believe that churches should abandon expensive technologies and get back to the basics and purity of the Gospel message. Unfortunately, these good intentions are not necessarily the best strategy to reach as many people as possible. If churches really want to get back to the basics of spreading the Word of God to a global, mobile and social generation, then they are going to need to use technology.

Is Your Ministry’s Digital Strategy Mobile and Social Ready?

By Jason Alexis |

This past April, Google launched a major algorithm update that penalizes sites that are not mobile friendly in searches conducted on mobile phones. This makes sense, because people performing searches using Smartphones are only going to want to see sites that are designed to work well on such phones.

Your Ministry Needs an Online Home. Here’s How to Build One!

By Jason Alexis |

The Internet, wireless communication and social media have made this shift possible. This shift fundamentally changes the way that churches and ministries relate to the people they serve. If you wish to respond to this change, you will need a robust online home for your ministry.

7 Infrequently Asked Questions About Mobile Ministry

By Jason Alexis |

What exactly is mobile ministry, and what does it mean for your ministry? Despite the rapid rise in the use of mobile technology, too many churches too infrequently ask themselves those very questions. For many, the idea of adapting to new technology movements is off putting; for others, it’s downright scary. But don’t be scared.…