Tag: social media
Is my church only preaching to the choir on Facebook?
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Four out of every five people considering attending your service will investigate your web presence including your social media pages like Facebook before ever walking through the door and it’s important to demonstrate to them the value your church can provide. It is very easy for a church to focus only on its current members and neglect to think strategically about how it can reach people that are not currently connected to their church.
5 Ways Your Church Can Be Totally Ineffective on Social Media
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Social media, sites like Facebook and Twitter, have given even the smallest church the opportunity to connect with their parishioners, members of the community and the greater population at large. One post has the potential to reach thousands of readers. However, unless your church’s social media effort is done correctly, it can actually have negative results or at least be ineffective. Read more for five things you absolutely DON’T want to do with your church’s social media campaign.
Are my church’s media and message ready to go social?
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Do you remember when organizations would only provide their address or a toll free telephone number at the end of an advertisement? Neither do I. These days, more and more businesses and churches are forgoing such standard contact information and are urging their customers to be their “Fan” on Facebook or to “Follow” them on Twitter. What makes online social media (or social networking) platforms different from more traditional forms of “customer” engagement and marketing? And how do you determine if it makes sense for your church?
[Sep 17th Webinar] 5 Major Mistakes Churches are Making on Social Media and How to Fix them
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Churches are not alone in making some big mistakes on Facebook and Twitter that are preventing them from maximizing these powerful platforms.
Join our webinar on September, Monday 17th at 2pm EST as we will help you identify the top 5 mistakes and steps that you can implement immediately to correct them.