7 Infrequently Asked Questions About Mobile Ministry

By Jason Alexis |

What exactly is mobile ministry, and what does it mean for your ministry? Despite the rapid rise in the use of mobile technology, too many churches too infrequently ask themselves those very questions. For many, the idea of adapting to new technology movements is off putting; for others, it’s downright scary. But don’t be scared.…

Sharing Christ through Mobile Ministry

By Jason Alexis |

If you are a church or ministry leader, ask yourself a very important question:

Is mobile technology central to my ministry’s vision?

The use of mobile technology for ministry–or “mobile ministry”–is more than a buzzword; it is fast becoming an essential approach to spreading the Gospel. That’s because mobile phones and other portable, wireless devices are proliferating the planet, making it all the easier to fulfill the Great Commission (Mark 16:15).

5 Trends Churches Should Pay Attention to in 2014/2015

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In today’s world, everyone is going mobile with their devices handling major aspects of their lives. It is with this in mind that many churches are paying attention to the social media trends to reach their members. While faith remains an important aspect in many lives, churches are realizing that in order to meet their member needs, they need to keep up with the newest technology by going mobile. The social media trends of 2014 will be even more important to churches to help connect the church with their members. These trends will include many of the following aspects.

communicating with churches

Mobile: The New Frontier for Churches

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Jesus always seemed to know where to meet
the people. He knew where to meet them,
whether at a well, a tax collector’s house,
or at a dinner party in honor of his friend.
Where are people today? The Gospel has
always been carried forward by technology—
the development of papyrus, the printing
press, radio, television, or the internet. What
is the new frontier that churches need to be
prepared for?