Mobile Ministry: Connecting with your church on their Mobile Phones
Visitors are increasingly using mobile devices to search for churches information, listen to sermons, and pay tithes and offerings. Your church members are mobile, how about your church?
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On this webinar we will be helping churches understand how to get their message through, on the most important method of communication today: Mobile Phones.
What you will learn on this webinar:
— 3 Major myths about cell phone usage that are not true.
— Dissecting the noise about mobile websites and mobile apps.
— Tips on using mobile to increase donations & giving.
— Why your church cannot afford to not be ready for mobile.
— How to not to miss up to 50% of people searching for your church.
— Connecting members to small groups using text messages
— Keys to integrating Twitter and Facebook with mobile.
**If you are unable to make it still REGISTER and you will get the video recording.
**Multiple Giveaways: Free Mobile Websitesm, & Text Messaging for 1 Year**
**Invite your communications, IT, website and media team leaders as well**
[button color=”#fff” background=”#9BC700″ size=”medium” src=”https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/4430804606243634944″]Register [/button]
[message_box title=”Mobile Ministry Magazine” color=”yellow”]Mobile Ministry Magazine (MMM) is an online-only magazine which asks questions, presents approaches, and experiments with information at the intersection of faith and mobile technology. Initially created as a resource for technology-favoring pastors, MMM has evolved into a flashpoint for thought and practical leadership for faith-based groups and individuals whom are looking to make the most of mobile and social media technologies.
Mobile Ministry Magazine primarly serves its audience thought its website (mobileministrymagazine.com), email subscription, and RSS news feeds. It can also be found on Twitter (@mobileminmag) and Pinterest social networks.