social media 4 churches II

Are my church’s media and message ready to go social?

By | September 19, 2012

Do you remember when organizations would only provide their address or a toll free telephone number at the end of an advertisement? Neither do I. These days, more and more businesses and churches are forgoing such standard contact information and are urging their customers to be their “Fan” on Facebook or to “Follow” them on Twitter. What makes online social media (or social networking) platforms different from more traditional forms of “customer” engagement and marketing? And how do you determine if it makes sense for your church?

10 tips to grow your Twitter Followers

Twitter followers, how do I get more of them?

By | June 3, 2012

10 tips on how to get more Twitter followers One of the best ways for a small business, church or non-profit to increase its brand awareness and reach is to have a strong social media presence,particularly on Twitter. A single “tweet” can instantly become a national headline, and you need a growing following to make…