Building an All Star Volunteer Team for Your Church

By | April 28, 2014

Recruiting a volunteer team of social media experts can add a definite advantage to your church’s outreach program. Utilizing the skills of those within your church’s membership to better connect with the community will add depth and complexity to your church’s ability to interact and engage with your audience. Use these tips to assemble a knowledgeable team instead of trying to handle the entire project by yourself.

7 Reasons Why Churches Should Create Podcasts

By | April 22, 2014

Creating podcasts from your existing sermons is a great way to increase your ministry visibility, gain more web visitors and connect with new audiences. I believe pastors who create weekly podcasts will be able to form a unique bond with their listeners. Here are 7 reasons why I think you should consider launching a podcast.

3 Keys to Scheduling Your Church’s Social Media Posts

By | April 14, 2014

While posts happen in real-time, your message gracing the screens of your congregation as they sit at their computer or laptop awaiting the Good News, social media management happens all the time, in fits and starts, in waves of inspiration or fits of insight, after months of research and also on the hoof. One morning might yield ten exciting stories, while another will leave you scrabbling in a pile of half-forgotten notes for something meaningful to say, just to keep your audience engaged.


6 Super Easy Photo Tools Your Church can use for Social Media Graphics

By | April 1, 2014

In social media lingo quality pictures and photos may be worth thousands of likes and shares. The good news is that your church doesn’t need a huge budget to create social media graphics that will engage users online and give your church more reach.