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3 Simple Social Media Ideas for Your Church

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Social Media began with a vision to cultivate a community that could thrive despite distance. With it, old friends were reunited. Family far away stayed close. And soon, people began to share life with not just the people they saw everyday at work or their regular coffee shop, but everyone. Everyone they’ve ever known and everyone they’ve ever met and wanted to hold on to be friends with despite them just passing through is connected through the vast assortment of social media sites.

For the Church, social media, if used correctly, can bring congregations back to Acts. This practice of the church gathering together every day for fellowship has unfortunately become inconvenient, impractical, and unpracticed. But using social media, which thrives despite distance, can foster a community for the church that maintains contact throughout the week, that does “meet” everyday.

Of course, the question is how to use social media correctly. Simply having a Facebook or Instagram page isn’t going to stir a revival. You need to start with your goal in mind and work to that end. When the goal is community, you need to invite people to connect. Here are a 3 simple ideas on how you might go about that. Of course, these ideas need to be tailored to your congregation.

  1. Post questions that invite Facebook users to comment, for example, an inquiry about their favorite spiritual discipline or how they handle change. Questions not only elicit comments, but dialogue with other commenters.
  2. Have contest that involve members making a video about they most love about being a part of your church. This is a great way to get people thinking about why they are a part of your church community and it also gives potential members a window into what makes your church special.
  3. Host guest blog posts where members of your church share their story. When encouraging members of your church to know and be known, sometimes it helps to have the internet hide their face. Some are more open as they don’t have to stumble over the words in front of people. Testimony blog posts not only are good for them but they’re also inspirational to those who come across them, including members of your congregation.

Some people in your church will get excited about these and others may dismiss them. The trick to involving those people is to emphasize why this is important. Share the vision of church being an everyday living thing and incorporation the social media users into its execution.

Need more help? Check out our FREE Social Media Tune-up Guide for Churches.

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